Must Have Motorcycle Tools Every Rider Needs

Posted in Motorcycling Tips

The key to any motorcycle tool kit is to have basic and diverse pieces. If we want the job done right, we need to use the right tools for the best results!

Must Have Motorcycle Tools Every Rider Needs, StreetRider Insurance, Ontario

As a motorcycle rider, if you have ever had trouble deciding what tools are best to have, we here to help guide you. Below we have outlined what we believe are the most important pieces for your motorcycle tool kit.

Motorcycle Tool Kit Must Haves

#1 Torque Wrench

A torque wrench is a very important tool for riders to have. It helps you to precisely apply a specific torque to a nut or bolt while preventing over tightening or breaking of bolts.

#2 Oil Filter Wrench

This tool is used for removing the spin-on type filter. The oil filter canister can be difficult to grip, specifically when old and worn. Using the correct tools helps to reduce damages done to your motorcycle during and after repairs!

#3 Tap and Die Set

This tool set helps you fix stripped threads or snapped studs which are very common motorcycle issues that even happen to the most careful riders. Tools for regular maintenance fixes are good to get since you know you will be using them often.

#4 Socket or Ratchet Set

A good tip is to have tools that come in sets or are diverse and can have multiple purposes for one motorcycle. This set can help riders with many different issues which are the kinds of pieces you want in your motorcycle tool kit. We recommend the best wrench drives size is 3/8 inch. Some of the most common socket sizes range from 8 to 20 mm.

#5 Chain Splitting and Riveting Set

If you're a rider who gets frustrated with repair costs then this tool is for you! This may be the tool that will help you save the most money when it comes to your motorcycle. You should invest in a good quality set as it will help pay for itself since you will be saving money by replacing your chain yourself.

Although collecting these tools and creating your kit will be an initial investment, we believe it is well worth it considering all the repair charges you will be saving. It’s also rewarding as a rider to fix your own motorcycle and have a deeper understanding of how it works.



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