Essential Safety Tips for Riding in the Rain

Posted in Motorcycling Tips

A rainy day doesn’t mean you can’t ride your motorcycle, it just means you have to ride a little differently. Practicing these safety tips below will help you get better at riding in the rain.

Essential Safety Tips for Riding in the Rain, StreetRider Insurance, Ontario

Riding your motorcycle in the rain can actually be fun when you have some experience and know how to handle different situations. Use our tips the next time you're riding in the rain.

Safety Tips for Riding in the Rain

Intersection Awareness

Most people aren’t aware that there tends to be a lot more oil on the roads where vehicles stop frequently. Intersections are one of the places that this applies to, and rain just makes this much worse and more dangerous. The roads will be slicker so to ensure your safety, decrease your speed when approaching intersections.

Proper Gear

The best gear for your safety when you’re riding in the rain is waterproof gear to keep you warm and dry. Your helmet should also have an anti-fog visor and breath guard to maximize visibility and safety. The most important thing about gear when riding in the rain is to make sure it doesn’t distract you or make you uncomfortable so your full attention can be on the roads.

Riding Smarter

Different riding conditions call for different riding techniques. Since the roads will be more slick and slippery, you should gradually apply the brakes when necessary and brake earlier to give more time. Also, try leaning less to avoid slipping in the rain. In the interest of your safety and the safety of others, you should also double your following distance so you are not caught off guard when a vehicle suddenly stops in front of you.  

These are some of our best safety tips for riding your motorcycle in the rain. Rain or shine, your safety is the main priority. 



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